Monday, September 6, 2010

Let's start at the very beginning...

I haven't decided yet which is harder, packing or unpacking. Regardless, setting up our new home has been quite the endeavor and worth about 10 posts to itself. However, before I can even breach the subject of our move up north I must rewind (insert the sound of an old-school VHS player here) to the day that started this new chapter in our lives: July 10, 2010.

To quote Ben Folds Five: "I am the luckiest." Or should I say, WE are the luckiest. Our wedding day turned out better and more beautiful than we could have ever imagined.

Sure, there were plenty of butterflies in the stomach and anxious pacing - I mean, just look at my face:

But we were surrounded by friends...


and loved ones...

Who filled a church and watched as we made the ultimate commitment - to love, honor, and cherish each other.

Made visible by the exchanging of vows...


binding of hands...

and finally a kiss...

When we were finally husband and wife.

And you know, the minute I stepped foot into that church those butterflies became a fleeting memory. To be replaced by pure joy...a joy that spilled over into a reception that was filled with such love, warmth, laughter, and fun that 4 hours felt like 4 minutes.

We laughed...

We cried...

And we danced...

Oh, did we dance.

Then we went sailing out on a sea of well-wishes, cheer, and love...

That spurred us onward...leaning us "forward to our next crazy venture beneath the skies". (Jack Kerouac)