Monday, October 4, 2010

Acorns are falling on my head...

I. love. fall. The crisp air, changing leaves, cinammony-smells, vibrant colors, pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks...and oh yeah, the chance to wear that favorite sweatshirt that has been washed and worn so many times it's lost all its bulk but still has that fleecy warmth that hugs you close. I told you I love fall. And that sweatshirt has been broken out a couple times already.

Fall has definitely descended upon Boston. It actually started a couple weeks ago - a distinct change in the weather happened along with the trees getting that warm glow that comes right before their leaves turn all sorts of shades of red, orange, and yellow. And boy have we geared up. In addition to pulling out jackets, scarves, and pants, we have been letting the apartment in on a little of the action too - particularly in the kitchen:

Apples, Cider, Halloween themed candles, Fall themed soap, "Autumn Leaves" Yankee Candle, and a Harvest Moon [Blue Moon] beer...we're ready :)

But all this fall goodness certainly wasn't around when we first graced the borders of the bay state. In fact, the summer that was in full force when we were loading up the POD in NC...

...was definitely around when we finally completed our 14 hour drive up north. In fact, in addition to summer heat we were also greeted with a torrential downpour all the way up the eastern seaboard. Despite the need for rain jackets and galoshes, it was still good to see Tom Turkey on our way into town.

The rain quickly ended though and we began to get acquainted with what will be our home for at least the next 2 years. Josh started off running as he had orientation the day after we arrived.

Even though he had to spend most of his time the first week in and around this, um, lovely?, building...

If you think this is dominating, you should see the medical school!
...the weekend left time for a little fun and sightseeing. Complete with stops at:

The Boston Public Garden

Where a swan boat ride was a necessity of course...

As was a stop at the Boston Common...

And a walk around town...

Before heading back to our gracious hosts' home in Bay Village...

Complete with finger-licking good food...or should I say beater-licking ;)

Thank you to Lucas and Olivia for putting us up for the whole week :)

It wasn't long though until it was not only Josh's first day of classes and my first day of orientation, but also our chance to finally gain access to our brand spanking new home! Well, the apartment certainly isn't new (creaky floors and all), but new to us at least.

Say hello to 45 Morrison Avenue.

As it was on Sept. 1st:

-The Bedroom

-The living room

-The Bathroom

-And the kitchen

The orange counter tops go well with our fall theme, eh?

But then, the POD arrived the next day. And with the help of a few of our friends we were able to get it unloaded in record time.

Then our apartment turned into this:

But thanks to those wonderful friends previously mentioned, we didn't have to sleep on the floor...

And so the next week Ashley started her classes...

And over the course of the next month we began to settle in. We are close to being finished with our final arranging and decorating, and we will post pictures once we are finally done. But here's a little sneak peek...

Waffle breakfast for 2 anyone?

So here we are, apple cider in hand, conquering all that Boston, Somerville, Harvard, and Tufts have thrown at us so far. And it has certainly been a whirlwind. Classes, homework, projects, tests, and papers are consuming our time right now, hence the delay in this post, but we keep on keeping on. We can't say when the next post will be, and once again apologize for any lengthy delays, but we can promise there will be another one.

Hello October. Bring on your fall goodness, crisp air, and school days...we're ready for you.